
(16 months to 2 years)

Toddlers 16 months to 2 years

As your baby moves onto toddling, their classroom grows up too!

While in the classroom, your toddler will be exposed to materials and experiences that encourage a curiosity for learning, investigating and problem-solving.

In addition to a full day of developmentally appropriate activities, your toddler is served three balanced meals and have a full 2 hours designated for rest and relaxation to support healthy social and emotional growth.

Our knowledgeable teachers combine planned curriculum with free play to ignite each toddler’s intellectual growth and overall development. Through daily activities including painting, block play, playdough, coloring and sensory experiences, they capture the curiosity of your little one.

Daily Reading: Age-appropriate books, puppet shows and flannel stories to support listening, language, and a love of reading.
Art Activities: Finger painting, music, dance and pretend play to spark creativity.
Sensory Play: Natural and everyday objects to encourage exploration through sight, touch, smell and taste to entice curiosity.
Outdoor Play: Routine time outside at our on-site playground to explore nature and inspire motor and physical development.

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